MasterQuote17: Mary Magdalene: A Renaissance

Our Emerging Divinity

imagesMary Magdalene:

“Beloveds, precious ones, you are bringing forth a complete Renaissance in these glory-filled days, like no other in history, a complete Renaissance of your former Divine Selves, of your True Divine Essence. A rebirth, vibrating and pure in all its potential, manifesting now in a complete and whole way.

You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence.

And this is your purpose here. It is your birthright. It is You, the real you.

Get used to it, beloveds. The old is falling away, to reveal the precious jewel that you are.

Do not be afraid to show it to the world now. For the world awaits it with a pulsing heart….”

Received December 28, 2015

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message…

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You will never be refused or rejected.

Johnsmallman's Blog

Saul Audio Blog for Monday December @8th

Great events are on the verge of occurring on your beautiful planet because of all your prayers and loving intentions so strongly and constantly held.

Many have been feeling that all the promises that have been made about the birthing of a New Age of Love and abundance for all have been but wishful thinking on the part of channelers.  Channelerswho have just imagined them to be messages from their guides in the spiritual realms, when in fact they have been nothing more than their own intense and individual desires longingly and wistfully visualized.

This is not the case, the messages are indeed valid, and the majority of channelers have been persevering in maintaining their intense desire for the arrival of the New Age of Love and abundance, as have so many others all over the world!  Intense desires maintained and intended by…

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~Being aware of archon influence can help you get out of sticky situations~

getting out of sticky

Sacred Ascension - Key of Life - Secrets of the Universe

04ec8-archons~Being aware of archon influence can help you get out of sticky situations~

Lately I have been receiving many messages from many of you telling me about the conflicts that you are having with your loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc., Many say that after the argument would be over they’d look back and not understand how they got to this point to begin with. Re tracing their steps, the same exact scenario would emerge.

All of them would fall into a state of low frequency vibrations. Either they or the people they were confronted with were having a bad day, either they were stressed over their finances, jobs, health, love life, grieving, etc., The emotions that they were experiences were coming from the low vibration spectrum (anger, jealousy, feeling of inadequacy, sadness, etc.).

By now most of us are aware that we are energy beings living in the world of…

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Hilarion – October 6 – 13, 2013

Oracles and Healers


Beloved Ones,

The process of the re-evaluation of your lives and what is important for your greater health, well being and happiness and the letting go of all that does not serve you has been uppermost in your hearts. Some decisions are difficult to make as it means a resetting and reformulating of your former priorities and goals. Asking yourselves some hard questions has been helping you to see with more clarity those areas and ways of being that hold you back from moving forward with enthusiasm and joy. Just remember that the bottom line in each choice that you make is: does this make you feel good about yourself, does it bring more expansion and empowerment to you, do you feel inspired and uplifted, and do you feel a greater sense of freedom when you contemplate the value of a relationship, goal or desire in your everyday life.

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Essential Grids Now in Place and Energized for Rectification of All Requisite Hue-Manity Up-Steps


gaia_energy1Essential grids are now in place and energized for rectification of all requisite Hue-manity up-steps. Cosmic stream assistance comes forthwith, at appropriate moment.

Spiraling energies from Gaia Portals which are required for these up-steps will be embraced by sufficient numbers of Hue-Beings to allow Cosmic Upshift in frequencies.

Manifestations likely will include instantaneous multi-body (physical, mental, and emotional) healings as well as resolutions of prior-viewed-as “impossible” situations.

Major Gaia transformations commence with upcoming Cosmic stream influx.

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How many of you have daily “to do” lists?

Nothing we have to do. We are making it all up

Johnsmallman's Blog

We are all enlightened beings; some of you have just forgotten that.  Never mind . . . you will awaken and a most wonderful realization will dawn on you as Reality fills your awareness and your natural state of being fully conscious blossoms.  It is as though your natural state of existence had been resting, asleep, and a reduced state had been on standby during that moment.  Its abilities were severely limited because it was only there to keep things ticking over; it did not have to do anything.  And you, in order to awaken, do not have to do anything.

You have only to allow yourselves to let go of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that you have held on to for many lifetimes, and which no longer serve you.  It truly is very simple.  However, your grip on those outmoded aspects of yourselves, which you believed were essential for…

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